August 2022
The Vette Set Gazette is a monthly publication of The Vette Set, Inc.
Articles from members are always welcome, and are to be submitted to the Newsletter Editor by 6:00pm Sunday, following the general monthly meeting.
These meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Zimmerman Automobile Driving Museum located at 610 Lairport Street, El Segundo, CA 90245.
Guests are always welcome to attend any Vette Set event.

Jack’s PineMountain Club Run
“Discovering Hidden Gems in the Local Mountains”
Officers and Appointees

Outside contact can be made with:
1.President Rob Weimer, 310-941-7061, robert.a.weimer@me.com
2.Vice President Chuck Hammer, 310-874-6657, ballpien99@hotmail.com
3.Ambassador Chris Donlou , 310 245 9653, cdog34@msn.com
Chevrolet trademark(s) used with the written permission of General Motors

Hi Vette Setters,
Another great month for the Vette Set. At our General meeting, we had 7 guests that are very interested in joining us. We also had a terrific turnout of our club members. Thank you all for making our club such a great success. Unfortunately, the ZADM roll up door wasn’t working, so we had to delay until next month, Bo’s and Lindsey’s presentation of their Corvettes to the club.
We have several activities planned including a go cart driving experience right in Carson, just off the 405. Thank you Bob Borge for investigating this and putting together the plan. The Vette Set is entering the El Segundo Main Street annual car show this year. Should be loads of fun with live music. Harry has found a new brewery for us to try for our activities dinner, looking forward to good eats and drinks.
I’ve ask Kim to provide club decal stickers, two for each Corvette you own. All I ask is if you take them, you promise to put them on your Corvette, one on each side toward the rear. You can get them directly from Kim for free, but only at one of our General meetings.
Save the Wave,