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In previous years, the annual Holiday Party was held in December and the Awards Ceremony was held in January. This year, a “Holiday Christmas Party / Awards Banquet Ceremony” was planned at a local hotel by Diane and Lee. After a financial agreement was reached, the caterer tried to stiff the club for an additional grand. Upon hearing that, Diane told them to “shove it” (the editor’s words, not hers) and with the help of Dixie, the event was rescheduled at the Zimmerman Automobile Driving Museum…a perfect place for a car club holiday event where catering was provided by Danny.
The dining room and bar before the event began.
Kim & Dixie
The bar
Rob & Chuck at the podium
The spread, catered by Danny
David on the keyboard
According to the By Laws, the awards committee presents four annual awards: The Most Active Member, The Most Active New Member, Hard Luck Award and Member of the Year. Below are the 2021 recipients.
Harry Kenyon
Most Active Member
Don Gras - Most active member
Pat & Sharon Cowley
Hard Luck Award
Jerry Clement
Member of the Year
This is the second time Pat and Sharon “won” the hard luck award. Perhaps luck had nothing to do with it. If it was due to a lack of intelligence or poor judgement, the former “Dumb Shit Award” (aka, “Caca Estúpida ”) should be dusted off and used again. This of course, would require another By Laws change and that’s something nobody wants to do.
Rob gave each of the club officers a gift for their year of service.
Pres. Rob & VP Chuck
John, Treasurer
Gary, Sgt. At Arms
After the traditional awards were presented, members presented personal awards.
Dixie gave Stephanie the
“Roberts Rules of Order"
John Tully was given the “I’ve Got a Secret” award for not disclosing that he had ordered a new C8.
Adele & Dalene were
given floral arrangements from Anton.
Kim presented Bob a scale model of his yellow C7.
Bonniegay awarded
Dennis & Reata the"Florence Nightingale" Award for
rescuing “Fat Albert.”
Bonniegay awarded Kelly & Chris the “Bacon Pit Crew Award” for feeding “Fat Albert.”
Rob commissioned Kim to make the C7 scale model of Bob's car to thank him for all of his
work on the films and videos for our club.  Bonniegay gave Dennis and Reata the “Florence Nightingale” award because they came right over to help her when “Fat Albert” (Walt's name for his C2, aka “The Beast”) needed to be pushed up a hill to her home after it was flooded.  Bonniegay gave Chris and Kelly the “Bacon Pit Crew” award for the time they came over to put racing gas in Fat Albert.
Jennifer presented Bob a Hollywood picture frame.
Rob received a rock
from Jennifer.
David presented Chuck
a Challenge Coin.
Jennifer gave Bob Borge a Hollywood picture frame to thank him for all of his video and film work for the club. She also gave Rob a rock to thank him for being such a rock during our two covid years 2020 and 2021.
David presented Chuck a challenge coin. These were David’s words: “There are many
examples of traditions that build camaraderie, but few are as well respected as the practice of carrying a challenge coin, which is a small medallion or token that signifies a person is a
member of an organization. According to tradition, challenge coins originated in the military
to prove membership, honor recognition and boost morale.
I thought it would be a great idea to present a challenge coin to one of our well respected
club members. This club member not only served in the military, but has been an active
contributor to this club for many years. This person, our Vice President, Chuck Hammer, was also the first Vette Set member to purchase the new C8 mid engine Corvette.
One side of this coin has Zora Arkus Duntov's profile and an inscription that says Chevrolet
Corvette 1953. The other side has an inscription that says Chevrolet Corvette 2020 with the
2020 emblem. The coin is torch red to match Chuck’s great ride.”
The club officers and appointees.
Special thanks go to Lee and Diane for organizing the initial event, Rob for securing the new venue, Dixie for coordinating the new event with her decorating committee of Jeanette,
Yvonne and Marci, Diane for the center pieces, Anton for the poinsettias, Rob for the door
prizes, Dixie for the awards and gifts for committee members, Lee and David Tavares for
providing the music, George Person for providing red and white wine, the Chevelle Kids
(Adele, Jimmy, Dalene & Ken) for providing champagne and Danny for our delicious dinner.
Pat & Sharon Cowley
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